Monday, June 11, 2012

Winner of "What Is A Flame" Challenge

OK, I didn't even know that there was such a challenge. Apparently, they got quite a number of submission too! And they got a winner!

Ames, who is studying for his Ph.D. in quantum optics at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, got national recognition this month when his 71/2-minute video was selected as the best explanation of flame to a young audience. The worldwide contest, run by Stony Brook University in New York, was inspired by actor and visiting professor Alan Alda and was judged by 6,000 sixth-graders.

The award was given by the Stony Brook Center for Communicating Science, a part of its School of Journalism.

Ames’ video bested 800 entries by getting the top number of rating points from sixth-graders in 131 schools.
So I went scrambling off to YouTube to see if I can find the video, and I did!


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